Emplicure has formed the Nomination Committee

2021-12-21 07:15

Emplicure AB announces today that the Nomination Committee for the annual general shareholders meeting (AGM) in April 2022 is formed. The Nomination Committee consists of representatives nominated by the three largest shareholders per the last bank-day in the third quarter, as well as the Chairman of the Board. Emplicure's three largest shareholders, also the founders, have agreed to vote as one, in order to to give preference for more shareholders.

The Nomination Committee for the 2022 AGM is:

  • Henrik Didner, for Monesi Förvaltnings AB
  • Peyman Pournouri
  • Sten Wranne, for Deseven Capital AB
  • Thomas Lundqvist (Chairman of the Board of Directors, Emplicure AB)

The Nomination Committee represents 53.1% of the votes in Emplicure.

The shores of the Nomination Committee:

The Nomination Committee shall, in short, prepare suggestions for the following to the AGM:

  • election of Board of Directors (BoD)
  • election of av Chairman of the Board
  • resolution regarding number of auditors and auditor election
  • remunerations for the BoD and the auditors

Primary contact for the Nomination Committee

Proposals by shareholders to the Nomination Committee may be submitted to the Chairman of the Board of Emplicure AB, Thomas Lundqvist (thomas.lundqvist@emplicure.com).


Certified Adviser is Mangold Fondkommission AB, +46 8 503 015 50, or via ca@mangold.se

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Emplicure is a pharmaceutical company developing new and innovative drugs by combining existing and approved active substances, and advanced materials science within ceramic biomaterials. The product portfolio is focused on chronic pain, and with abuse deterrent formulations. The wholly owned subisidiary, Amplicon AB develops consumer products, with tobacco-free nicotine as the first product. Read more at www.emplicure.com

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