Emplicure’s patch technology receives US patent approval

2019-04-15 10:00

The United States Patent and Trademark Office granted a patent to Emplicure on 9th April 2019 for its patch technology. This patent provides protection for Emplicure's transdermal patch with abuse deterrent properties for the treatment of chronic pain until September 2031.

"Both USA and Europe are important markets for Emplicure and to get approvals of patent applications in these territories are important steps in the product and business development", says Susanne Bredenberg, CEO at Emplicure.

The protection provided by this patent should extend to future, related products that are in development based on this technology. A patent for this technology was also granted by the European Patent Office in 2017.

For more information, please contact:

Susanne Bredenberg, CEO Emplicure

Phone: + 46 (0)70 859 77 99

E-mail: susanne.bredenberg@emplicure.com 

About Emplicure

Emplicure is a research and development focused pharmaceutical company based in Uppsala, Sweden. The company develops new patentable pharmaceutical products based on drug delivery platform technologies originating from the interface between the materials and pharmaceutical sciences. Emplicure currently has several products in the pipeline in formulation or preclinical development phase. The first product to enter the clinical phase is a transdermal patch with abuse deterrent properties for the treatment of chronic pain. The products will be sold or out licensed at different development stages to larger pharmaceutical companies.

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